I’m here to help you create a captivating, high-quality podcasts that make an impact. With my experience and state-of-the-art technology, I’ll bring your story to life and keep your audience looking for more. Contact me using the format the bottom of this page to discuss pricing and to get started.
Launch Podcast Service
- Set up podcast hosting and distribution to podcasting apps
- Suggest podcast intro/outro music
- Assist in Podcast Artwork creation
- Equipment recommendations
- Assist in creation of podcast trailer
- Create effective marketing strategy
- Hands on coaching calls (2x30min)
Basic Audio Podcast Production
- Up to 60min of unedited audio
- Intro & Outro Added
- Audio Leveling
- Noise Reduction
- Audio Enhancing
- Filler Word Reduction
- Full Transcription
Complete Podcast Production
- Up to 60min of unedited audio and Video
- 1-2 Cameras
- Intro & Outro Added
- Audio Leveling
- Noise Reduction
- Audio Enhancing
- Filler Word Reduction
- Full Transcription
Audio & Video Podcast Production
- Up to 60min of unedited audio and video
- 1-2 Cameras
- Intro & Outro added
- Audio Leveling
- Noise Reduction
- Audio Enhancing
- Filler Word Reduction
- Full Transcription
- Short Video Reels w Captions (3/episode)
- Title Generation for SEO